“An Orphan Girl” Was created at an antique doll show and made right in front of me. A tear drop from her right eye shows her uncertainty at being adopted. She was named and built to specs. All Porcelain, 24″ Tall with a pouty face. Amazing how something so beautiful can come to life. Very special, one of a kind. She is very solid and jointed and is poseable. Brown braided wig and brown eyes. She wears a blue polka dot dress with a white pinafore, white leggings and black buckle shoes. Created by Kristy Sprout, dollmaker. Bernadette is over 25 years old.
"Collectible" Dolls, Dolls, Porcelain, Vintage Doll Collection
Original price was: $225.00.$174.99Current price is: $174.99.
Availability: 1 in stock